Nuno Trindade

First Name:Nuno
Last Name:Trindade
Web Address:
Last Change:2003-05-19
Number of Files:1 (1,224th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:6,677 (1,470th most downloaded)

HAPE 2004 2.6   (details) 48 POR   8,852 KB
HAPE 2004 (don't ask me why it's named this when it's not even halfway through 2003) is a word processor for the PC that makes HP 48 ADISP library compatible documents. It allows you to use symbols, word styles and insert pictures of several sizes. It has many useful features, like image conversion, image optimization, insertion of user defined symbols, RTF, HTML and PDF export capabilities, 2 modes of edition Graphical and Textual, many types of preview including a HP 48-ADISP 'fac-simile', and many more. It includes detailed PDF instruction book and a complete help system.
By Nuno Trindade. 2003-05-19

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